The 2021 National Engineering League Internship Selections
Miss Dystanie Scippio
Congratulations to Dystanie N. Scippio for being selected as a 2021 National Engineering League Project Management Intern. Dystanie is currently a sophomore college student attending The University of Arizona Global Campus who is working diligently to obtain a Bachelors of Arts in Homeland Security and Emergency Management. Dystanie loves the concept of effective team building and strides to implement proven communication strategies within the team in order to complete a quality project on time and under budget. Overall, she enjoys operating in diverse environments and equally values learning from peers and professionals with diverse cultural backgrounds and professional skill sets. She also believes that attaining true success in life involves remaining humble and having the ability to build sustainable professional relationships with individuals who can teach her how to continuously grow as a leader. Ultimately, Dystanie wants to serve as a positive example for younger people who aspire to become positive contributors to society. She wants to demonstrate that hard work and perseverance will pay tremendous dividends in life and encourages all to continuously serve their true purposes.